The Royal Victory Church is a full gospel, spirit filled missionary Church.

  • We believe the Bible is the authentic and inspired Word of God, and the only basis and authority for sound Christian doctrine;
  • We believe in One God expressed in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;
  • We believe in the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ;
  • We believe in the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ;
  • We believe in spiritual rebirth of a sinner when he accepts the Lord Jesus Christ into his life and forsakes evil ways;
  • We believe in the physical return of our Lord Jesus Christ to the earth for His millennial reign as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords;
  • We believe in the baptism of repentance symbolized by immersion in water;
  • We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with all the evidences, through impartation of the Spirit by laying on of hands;
  •  We believe that Jesus is the only Baptizer in the Holy Spirit;
  •  We believe in divine healing and deliverance through the name of Jesus and His blood;
  •  We believe that miracles, signs and wonders follow the preaching of the Word of God in holiness and righteousness;
  • We believe in the unity of the body of Christ which is maturity of the faith;
  • We believe in the great commission;
  • We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the rapture (cut off) of the saints unto Christ at His second coming;
  • We believe that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, as the legitimate way of raising children and family in godliness;
  • We accept the biblical teaching on heaven and hell and the last judgement;
  • We believe in a healthy material prosperity of the believer even as his  soul prospers, but we shun the worldly attempt to replace the cross with the “gospel of money”;
  • We believe in the operation of the five-fold ministry as the pillar for a healthy church;
  • We accept the prophetic and apostolic reformation of the Church as a true move of God to re-equip the Church;
  • We accept the cardinal doctrines adhered to by Pentecostal, Evangelical, Charismatic, and all full gospel, Spirit filled Churches;
  •  We believe that the Church is the body of Christ and holds the faith that overcomes the world.

Statement of Faith imageStatement of Faith image