Revelation 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 

The King wants you to be ready for His return.  That means we need to prepare, which takes effort and sacrifice.  Remember five virgins were not ready and they missed the coming of the King (Matt 25:10-11).  

Revelation 19:7 is a prophecy telling us to have a merry heart because that thing we were waiting for has come and we, the church (the bride) were ready.  Everything comes by prophecy first.  For example, Isaiah prophesied Jesus' birth, and His name and it came to pass 700 years later (Is 7:14, 9:6, Luk 2:11). Micah prophesied the location (Mic 5:2).  Simeon had heard the prophecy of the consolation of Israel and declared that he would not die until his eyes saw and so it happened (Luk 2:25-32).  Prophecy gives you opportunity to claim your place. Declare: I will be ready for the King.

The Bible life is the real life. Treat the Bible and the church as a priority.  Remember, Jesus invested His life for you (2Cor 5:14-15). Your new life is to live for Him.  Honour the things He has put in place, particularly the church (Matt 16:18).  The enemy wants to fight all the time, we overcome by living for Jesus.  To live in the newness of life, those closest to you should be fellow believers (Rev 19:8).  In your new life you are expanding and growing as you preach the gospel internationally (Act 1:8). 

God set marriages as a symbol that Christ is coming to marry the church (Eph 5:25-26).  Marriage is a covenant relationship. We should walk rightly and fulfill God's purpose for marriage.  Husbands wash your family with the Word.  Husbands, declare: I will build my family. I will sanctify them. 

With Jesus we have everything we need to be ready and wrinkle-free (Eph 1:7). We are washed by the Word, and it orders our steps (Ps 119:105,133). We receive forgiveness and victory by the blood (Rev 12:11, 5:12). We have the Spirit (Rom 8:11). These are our powerful weapons to win every battle (1Jn 5:8).